Fectio, Late Roman re-enactment society

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Vortigern Studies > Fectio > RomanShows > Vechten 2007 (3)

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Open Monuments Weekend - Fort Vechten
Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September 2007

Every year, Fort Vechten takes part in the national Open Monuments weekend by hosting a multi-period event. Fectio and other Roman groups also take part in that big event.

Friday September 7th, and the first first groups began to arrive. Earlier that afternoon, Fectio and Pax Romana had already put the first material in the field. Later in the evening, the Minervii arrived all the way from Germany to pitch their tents in the now so familiar corner of the field. We all exchanged warm greetings and tales, while the sun did its best to spoil us all with a beautiful sunset.

Fort Vechten, southeast of Utrecht.

Detailed image of the area.

A fantastic sunset over Castellum Fectio and the Limes.

The first cars have arrived at the tower.
The first cars have arrived at the tower.
Welcome back! The Minervii making a friendly gesture towards our photographer..
Welcome back! The Minervii making a friendly gesture towards our photographer..
New material to show: the new scutum of Publius/Patrick.
New material to show: the new scutum of Publius/Patrick.
COH XV also have a new scutum to show.
COH XV also have a new scutum.
Meanwhile, the sun did the most stunning exit in the West, leaving the Limes in growing darkness..
Meanwhile, the sun did the most stunning exit in the West, leaving the Limes in growing darkness..
Just awesome.
Just awesome.

Publius' new scutum - back side.It had been already been 5 months since our last multi-period event, the Childrens Fair which happened to be here as well. High time for us to get reacqainted with our companions from across the Rhine and our countrymen from earlier times. This was already Fectio's 4th Open Monuments weekend.

Day 1 -


The morning arrives...
The morning arrives...
... and there is cleaning to do.
... and there is cleaning to do.

Saturday started a bit grey and ended with rain in the late afternoon. That did not stop the public however, who arrived in droves. Although the modern soldiers within the fort draw much attention, we Romans with our small camp next to the tower are always popular too.

Next, gearing up ...
Next, gearing up ...
... before the public arrives. And as always, this event is very well attended.
... before the public arrives. And as always, this event is very well attended.
The troops are inspected..
The troops are inspected..
.. before they all march to the fort, where they join the 'boys in green' ..
.. before they all march to the fort, where they join the 'boys in green' ..
.. and they all line up to be inspected by the fort commander for the morning roll call.
.. and they all line up to be inspected by the fort commander for the morning roll call.
Back in the camp, the material can be shown to the public, like this neat row of scuta from COH XV.
Back in the camp, the material can be shown to the public, like this neat row of scuta from COH XV.

The Roman camp. From left to right, three open tents from Pax Romana, then three tents in the corner of the Minervii, then the new tent of Fectio

The Roman camp. From left to right, three open tents from Pax Romana, then three tents in the corner of the Minervii, then the new tent of Fectio, which we're very proud of! The camp is getting bigger every year.

Day 2 -


Another grey day at the tower, and they first visitors have already arrived.
And there they come - a constant stream of bikes.
And there they come - a constant stream of bikes.
It's our great-grandson from the future!
It's our great-grandson from the future!
Patrick and Paulus of the Minervii preparing for the first inspection.
Patrick and Paulus of the Minervii preparing for the first inspection.
Menno getting in gear.
Menno getting in gear.
The Late Roman medicus in action with a 'patient'...
The Late Roman medicus in action with a 'patient'...
..until he's disturbed by his son!
..until he's disturbed by his son!
Officer material?
Officer material?

I had not been able to join the rest on saturday, so on Sunday Jeroen and I made up for that. The weather was again greyish but dry, perfect for reenacting. Again many visitors found their way to the fort and to the tower, despite the entrance being positioned on the opposite side of the fort. But with leaflets, a good show and appearances at the main fort, we managed to 'draw out' enough people to fill the terrain around the tower.

One of the now regular parts of the event is the plumbatae shooting for kids. We line up about eight of them, and another group is manning the shield wall. The misssiles are of course not the real thing but light wooden fakes with a rubber tip - perfectly safe and good fun. After they throw all the plumbatae, the groups switch places, and the former target become the attackers. As always, this event is extremely popular.Ready for incoming plumbatae..

Distributing the ammunition with instructions..
Distributing the ammunition with instructions..
.. getting ready to letting loose. Meanwhile our Hieronymus..
.. getting ready to letting loose. Meanwhile our Hieronymus..
.. takes it all very serious.
.. takes it all very serious.
Loose! A volley of plumbatae shoots down in the shield wall and its defenders.
Loose! A volley of plumbatae shoots down in the shield wall and its defenders.
Interaction with some familiar locals.
Interaction with some familiar locals.
Lessons in the kitchen..
Lessons in the kitchen..
..and what a fine result!
..and what a fine result!
Late Roman chat: Maarten, Maebh and me.
Late Roman chat: Maarten, Maebh and me.

Another item to draw many people was the new gladiator fight. Although we made the crowds wait a bit, the expectations were the higher for it, and they were not disappointed. Of course, it was not a show fit for the arenas of Rome, after all we are still at the edges of the known earth here. But the enthusiasm of the fighters was clear enough, and only one can win.. A fitting end for a good weekend.

New at the tower: a gladiator fight. Of course the public turned up for this one!
New at the tower: a gladiator fight. Of course the public turned up for this one!
Alexander, Paulus and Patrick battling it out in front of the crowd..
Alexander, Paulus and Patrick battling it out in front of the crowd..
.. until Patrick draws the short straw. Must be the lack of shoes!
.. until Patrick draws the short straw. Must be the lack of shoes!
Gladiators class?
Gladiators class?

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