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Kalkriese - Roman Days
Saturday and Sunday 7-8th June 2003

Our first foreign trip as a group! We had been, in a fashion, invited as the guests of Legio II Augusta. The occasion was the bank holiday weekend in Kalkriese, Germany, where a recurring Roman festival means to put the spot of the (in)famous Varus battle on the map as a major tourist attraction. So, Augusta invited Corbvlo, who in turn thought of us. We went as Late Romans, to add a little (but very little) detail. Well, not anything spectacular- we got to march along the field after the big display, to remind the audience that, with the disastrous defeat of the Roman army, the Roman Empire continued in existance for 4 centuries!

(An)Toni Feldon with his 'Varus helmet'..
(An)Toni Feldon with his 'Varus helmet'..
Housework in the evening; knitting the mail.
Housework in the evening; knitting the mail.
Relaxing after a good meal.
Relaxing after a good meal.
Sunday morning, and the camp is made ready for the expected hordes of Germans.
Sunday morning, and the camp is made ready for the expected hordes of Germans.
There was a nice row of Roman tents, taverns and displays, already set up the day before.
There was a nice row of Roman tents, taverns and displays, already set up the day before.
There's much stuff to haul..
There's much stuff to haul..
Legio II, command tent, already the sun's getting hot.
Legio II, command tent, already the sun's getting hot.
Sleeping beauty or needing his beauty sleep?
Sleeping beauty or needing his beauty sleep?
Proud display of the arms and armour of the Legio XIV.
Proud display of the arms and armour of the Legio XIV.
Arms stockpile of the Legio XIV.
Arms stockpile of the Legio XIV.
Auxiliary and Cornicus of Legio XIV.
Auxiliary (Peronis) and Cornicus of Legio XIV.
That's Len Morgan!
That's Len Morgan!
Wim from Corbvlo attempting to escape the heat.
Wim from Corbvlo attempting to escape the heat.
Domina, the Roman ladies' department, with all the luxuries of the times.
Domina, the Roman ladies' department, with all the luxuries of the times.
Men of the Coh. I Germ, a German group with Romans and early Germans.
Men of the Coh. I Germ, a German group with Romans and early Germans.
The Germans brought lots of wood..
The Germans brought lots of wood..
..and served lots of food.
..and served lots of food.
The German tribes get ready.
The German tribes get ready.
German cavalry in action, gaining speed and heading straight for the shield-wall of their fellow-tribesmen..
German cavalry in action, gaining speed and heading straight for the shield-wall of their fellow-tribesmen..
..only to reign in at the last moment. Obviously, a non-event, nobody seemed that eager to stop them.
..only to reign in at the last moment. Obviously, a non-event, nobody seemed that eager to stop them.
Oh well, at least they looked the part.
Oh well, at least they looked the part.
Yrs truly enjoying a brief rest.
Yrs truly enjoying a brief rest.
Godfrey, brilliant-looking Late Roman of Legio II Augusta.
Brilliant-looking Late Roman of Legio II Augusta.
Chariovalda of the Fectienses Seniores. Sure, he's a nice fella..
Chariovalda of the Fectienses Seniores. Sure, he's a nice fella..
..but best not meet him in battle !
..but best not meet him in battle !
Godfrey and his wife Estella.
Godfrey and his wife Estella.
Discussing the finer points of armour.
Discussing the finer points of armour.
All nice and shiny - display of Ludus Gladiatorius.
All nice and shiny - display of Ludus Gladiatorius.
A Gladiatrix at work.
A Gladiatrix at work.
And the gladiators!
And the gladiators!
The battle was very popular and attracted quite the crowd. Of course, the officials kept a close watch.
The battle was very popular and attracted quite the crowd. Of course, the officials kept a close watch.
No winner? Check his left hand..
No winner? Check his left hand..
No doubts about him!
No doubts about him!
Early Roman cavalry then. This is one of the auxiliaries from Gaul, looking much more martial than the Germans.
Early Roman cavalry then. This is one of the auxiliaries from Gaul, looking much more martial than the Germans.
The Roman Alae. Nice and shiny, with a terrific helmet with face-mask.
The Roman Alae. Nice and shiny, with a terrific helmet with face-mask.
Together, they made a very nice pair of early Romans.
Together, they made a very nice pair of early Romans.
Braving the sun-Lindsey.
Braving the sun - Lindsey.
But then; gathering clouds.
But then; gathering clouds.
The expected storm draws near.
The expected storm draws near.
When lighting's a-cummin'..
When lighting's a-cummin'..
..re-enactors best start runnin'..
..re-enactors best start runnin'..
The storm broke, the crowds all ran home. Only a few re-enactors remained on the field, or were surprised by the rain.
The storm broke, the crowds ran home. Only a few re-enactors remained on the field, or were surprised by the rain.
With rain lashing down, most went for the relative shelter of the tents (when not leaking).
With rain lashing down, most went for the relative shelter of the tents (when not leaking).
But then; 'no visitors, but the parade goes on!' or was it a re-enactment of Varus' last march?
But then; 'no visitors, but the parade goes on!' or was it a re-enactment of Varus' last march?
The heroes are coming home!
The heroes are coming home!

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